
For ages 45 and older

Pioneers Gathering

Are you on the Flip Side of 45? Join us for our first Pioneers Gathering! 6:00pm, Wednesday March 5th in the Brickroom. Join us for this special time of food, fun and connection! Be sure to sign up so we get enough food!

For Kids

Joy Kids PJ Party

Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead Sunday, March 9th. Parents, don’t worry about getting the kids ready for church. Just bring them in their PJ’s! Joy Kids will be having a special PJ Party! 

For the whole family!

Vision Sunday

Join us Sunday, March 16th for a day filled with Vision for the future and an opportunity partner financially and fund all that God us going to do this year. We are asking everyone to prayerfully consider how they might participate in this generosity emphasis beyond our regular giving.

For the Ladies!

Invited Ladies Night

Women are invited to join Joy Church Eugene for an impacting night of worship, word, and fellowship! There will be light refreshments, a time of worship, and then get to hear from our special guest speaker, Pastor Karyn Wells. Don’t miss this once a year event! This event is free, but please register below. Childcare is not provided. 

For Men! 👨‍🦰🎣

Men’s Fishing Trip